This pattern gives us a chance to use Jupiter as our guide for a 12-year observing project. On August 20, 2021, Jupiter is at opposition just off the limb of Capricornus (which puts it within the boundaries of the Aquarius constellation.) This means we reach opposition with Jupiter about every thirteen months.
Jupiter through telescope plus#
Since Jupiter moves through 1/12 of its orbit per year, it takes a year, plus time for the 1/12 of an orbit Jupiter has moved, for us to catch back up with it. Put another way, we reach opposition with Jupiter as we pass it by. So, another way to think of opposition is that Earth is catching up with and speeding past Jupiter, like runners on an enormous race track. Jupiter is on average five times farther from the Sun than Earth, and it takes much longer to complete an orbit than our planet does, 12 years to our 1 year. After all, everything in space is moving all the time, so there’s more going on than Jupiter crossing an invisible finish line. (Saturn came to opposition on August 2nd.) At opposition, Jupiter and the Earth line up on the same side of the Sun.Īt times like these, it’s interesting to think about what’s actually happening. When at opposition Jupiter appears directly opposite the Sun as seen by us on Earth - which means it’ll be at its biggest and brightest of the year. Jupiter will be at opposition on August 19th among the dim stars of the constellation Aquarius.